September 17, 2008

Answer for 17/09/08 test

For example, u have a key..
Then ur key falls into a pond.
U try to get ur key..
In ur mind, what material is ur key made of?

1. Iron.
2. Wood.
3. Silver.

Try to answer ar..

Answer for:
1. Iron
You are a realistic person,
Get along very well with your friends
But now is your down season
So, u must optimist in everything u do!

Quite correct wor,,,hoho..
Suitable for me & honey, but not laoba!!

2. Wood
U keep many secrets.
You are tired, got no motivation..
Need a strong person to appear & let u rely on..

3. Silver
A very cautious person..
Glad to listen to any suggestions & will take into considerations
Its tym to tell the one u love that u fond of her/him.
Good fortune at the moment..


~AciN~ said...

y lor..double match ar honey...